I’m so excited to share this news with you, guys! I’m opening my online cookie decorating school NEXT SATURDAY 03/17/2018!💕
I put 6 years of everyday work with cookies in each tutorial- to help you learn faster and avoid hundreds of mistakes I made as a self thought decorator.
Next Saturday, there’ll be a few tutorials explaining everything about each type of the dough + royal icing + ONE cookie with the most popular character. New classes will come each week! I already have a few tutorials filmed for the following weeks, but please, LET ME KNOW IN COMMENTS, WHAT COOKIE TUTORIALS DO YOU WANT TO SEE? What characters? What techniques? Is it 3D? Houses? Any particular themes you want me to pay attention to? And one more thing... Most important thing, actually💕 THANK YOU for your love and everyday support! I would never decide to start this without your enormous interest! THANK YOU! Xoxo, Tanya 💋 #talecookies_school
Read this post and get in touch with me on Instagram